
Matthew 8.1-17  Jesus, Miracles & Authority;19 Feb 2012; by Steve Lister

Matthew 8:18-9:8  Following the Son of Man; 26 Feb 2012; by Steve Lister

Matthew 9:9-38 Seeing Jesus: Faith & Opposition; 4 Mar 2012; by Steve Lister

Matthew 10 Preparing for Mission; 11 Mar 2012; by Steve Lister

Matt 11 Resting in the Son (sorry…no recording!)

Matt 12:1-14 Lord of the Sabbath (sorry…no recording!)

Matt 12:14-50 For or Against the King; 1 Apr 2012; by Steve Lister

Matthew 13 The Parable of the Sower; by Steve Lister; 24 Feb 2013

Matthew 14 A Crisis of Identity; by Steve Lister; 3 March 2013

Matthew 15:1-20 The Heart of Religion; by Steve Lister; 10 March 2013

Matthew 15:21-39 Dogs with Faith; by Steve Lister; 17 March 2013

Matthew 16 The Yeast of the Pharisees (Taking up your cross at Uni); by Steve Lister; 24 March 13

Matthew 17:1-13 Listen to Him! by Steve Lister; 21 April 2013

Matthew 17:14-23 Mountain Moving Faith; by Steve Lister; 28 April 2013

Matthew 18:1-9 Walking Humbly; by Steve Lister; 23 Feb 2014

Matthew 18:10-35 Life in the New Community (Individual value & forgiveness) by Steve Lister; 30 March 2014

Matthew 19:1-15 Divorce & the Kingdom of Heaven; by Steve Lister; 13 July 2014

Matthew 20:1-16 The Injustice of Generosity; by Steve Lister; 20 July 2014

Matthew 20:17-28 The Servant King; by Steve Lister; 3 August 2014

Matthew 20:28-34 The Sight of the Blind; by Steve Lister; 10 August 2014

Matthew 21:14-22 :: Turning the Tables on Religion 7 March 2015, by Steve Lister

Matthew 21:23-46 :: The Authority of Jesus 15 March 2015, by Steve Lister

Matthew 22:1-14 :: The Wedding Banquet 29 March 2015, by Steve Lister

Matthew 22 :: Who is Jesus? 10 July 2016; by Steve Lister

Matthew 23 :: Rejected by God’s King 17 July 2016; by Steve Lister

Matthew 24-25 :: Living in the End Times 24 July 2016; by Steve Lister

Matthew 26:1-30 The Anointed King 19 Feb 2017; by Steve Lister

Matthew 26:31-75 The Sorrowful King 26 Feb 2017; by Steve Lister

Matthew 27:1-26 The Condemned King 5 March 2017; by Steve Lister

Matthew 27:27-61 The Crucified King 12 March 2017; by Steve Lister

Matthew 27:62-28:20 The Tomb is Empty! 26 March 2017; by Steve Lister